
Ghostwriting is the easiest method to get your book finished. However, when I say easiest, I don’t mean “easy.” You’ll still be a big part of the book’s creation, as I’ll need to talk with you about what you want from it.

What does the ghostwriting process look like?

Every writer has their own process. I’ll share mine with you.

Step One: Discovery Call

This is the very first step and it comes with absolutely no obligations. We’ll get on a Zoom call, which you can book here, and we’ll talk about what you’re looking for in a writer and what you want in your book. During this call, which typically lasts 15-20 minutes, we’ll talk about:

  • Your book topic
  • Your expertise in the topic
  • Who your audience is
  • What you want from a book
  • When you need the book
  • Any questions you may have

Step Two: You Hire Me

I provide an NDA contract for all my clients. This means I cannot share the information you provide me with or use it in my own books. Your copyrighted program, teachings, etc. are secure with me.

I will send you a proposal which outlines the payment process, expectations for both parties, and expected timelines. While the price will vary depending on the project, my prices start at $5,000 for a book and I typically finish in 6-8 weeks.

Once the terms are agreed upon, I require a non-refundable deposit of 25%. A further 50% is required upon completion of the first draft and the final 25% is sent once editing and polishing is complete.

Step Three: In-Depth Call

During this more intense call (may be a series of calls if need be), we will go over what you need in the book. At this time, you may also send me any materials you have on your topic or that you wish to incorporate.

Some people prefer to send notes or voice recordings, which is fine. I can work with whatever you are most comfortable with.

Step Four: The Work Begins!

During this step, you won’t need to do nearly as much. I’ll get to work and will send you the chapter outline and first chapter for approval. Usually, I work in Google Docs, which allows you to see the process. Remember that the early draft will be quite messy and not necessarily reveling of the end result.

Throughout the process, I will come to you with any questions. You can make notes on the document or send me messages as needed and I will incorporate your requests into the book.

Step Five: First Draft

Once the first draft is done, you can go over it and make any changes necessary, add notes, etc. Many clients prefer to wait for this stage before they read through everything. You’ll be reading over the whole thing several times before it’s done. At this point, the next 50% of payment is due.

Step Six: Second Draft

This is the stage where I will add in any suggestions or requests. It’s also where we will add testimonials, quotes, etc. that you wish to include in the book.

Step Seven: Polish

Now that the heavy work is done, the editing comes in. I will go over the book twice to ensure the wording and grammar is all perfect, as well as to catch any other errors. You may wish to have a separate editor go over everything, as well.

Step Eight: Your Book is Complete

Your book is done! It just requires a cover and formatting if you plan to publish a paperback version. You are now ready to begin your journey as a published author.